music by Patrick de Arteaga


Conversation with one's self through writing

In the Frog Cult, we believe that each individual frogs and people have to spend time building a bond with themselves.
Or else, the heart gets lonely as we don't pay attention to it. We feel like we are lonely because we don't get to
talk to others and others don't understand us. In reality, we don't talk to ourselves and we don't understand
ourselves. The source of our loneliness is in our hearts, it wishes to communicate with us ever since we are born.

One of the easiest ways to communicate with our heart is to write a question on piece of paper. Let your hand
answer you back with whatever comes to your mind first. Let it flow and trust in yourself. It may not feel right
in the beginning, but every bond begins like a plant. The more you spend time watering and caring for it, the
better it becomes and one day - it will give you its fruit.

In the case of our heart, it will offer you wisdom and insight beyond your expectations. That is why it is preferable
to start paying attention to your core. After some time, you will not feel as lonely as before and you will not need
any external influence to keep you happy. Once your roots are strong, your heart and mind will be in harmony. This
whole thing can be achieved by just communicating with yourself - we highly recommend you to have a dialogue on a paper.

Being cautious about the Seed of Actions

"History is not a dead fact
It is a living organism" -
A wise man

Seed of actions is a phenomenon that is probably as old as time. In simple words, it can be described
as an action or cause, that will have a long-lasting effect. Almost the same as a frog giving birth to
a new frog, each action will produce an effect, which would change the course of the next actions.

To understand this notion, we need to know what "time" is. Time is an order of this realm which deals
with the sequence of actions. Seed of actions affect not just individuals within one lifetime, it directly
and strongly affects lineage and those frogs around the individuals.

In the beginning, there will be thoughts, they come together to form a decision, the decision becomes
a cause, and the cause becomes aneffect. It is similar to chess - there are no right or wrong moves,
there are only good and bad moves. If the move was good, your next position will have a strong advantage,
if not, then it's the other way around.

When it comes to the seed of actions, whatever seed you plant, you will get a result in the coming
days, weeks, months, years, and generations - what goes in, goes out. If you are feeling happy or feeling
miserable, it helps to think and remember the roots of the effect that you are experiencing.
Who implanted the actions, which affected you to have your current state. Once you figure out the
roots of the effect, you will be able to fix or prolong the effect in any way you wish.

In life, there are only three truths, Birth, Death and Seed of Actions. Anything else is debatable.
Each living being carries the three in their body. The three are actually one. let's imagine,
your great grandfather didn't go to school, but he knew the importance of knowledge and discipline.
So, he sent your grandfather to school despite all the work and hardship. That choice was a good seed of
action which resulted positively on the future of his descendants. Your grandfather had a good life and
sent your father to school. It was a seed from the previous action. Today, you are living well,
thanks to the good deeds of your forefathers.

Any poor choice will bring bad consenquences to you, to people around you and those who will come after
you. Actions such as hurting people and animals physically or emotionally, polluting the nature and
disrespecting fire. This perspective gives much more insight into life and it will help you
to understand your situation better so that you can make better decisions in the future. It might sound
like something simple, but this is one of the foundational concepts of life, that should be taken seriously

Looking from the Perspective of Death

Death - is it our foe or ally? What if Death is already at the doorstep? What will matter when your
end comes? Should you be scared of it? Or, should you welcome it, like an old friend? (HP reference)

Death is usually like that gloomy, unpopular kid, who is always in the corner alone, while all others are
having fun, dancing, singing and drinking. Most of the people would try to avoid the kid, as it's not pleasant
to be around Death.

In the Frog Cult, we believe that Death is our good friend. It's the only certainty in life.
All others are objects of subjectivity - what is valuable today can become trash tomorrow.
So, at least once a week, we should hang out with Death.

A clear mind is preferable when you wish to stand side by side with the kid, as thoughts and fears
pollute the clarity. When we see from the perspective of Death, we start to see what is essential and what is not.

The majority of the materialistic items we possess today will vanish in the coming years and decades
together with our bodies. What will stay is our legacy, memories, nature, and most importantly -
our seeds of actions.

Many frogs and people carry sadness, misunderstandings, regrets, grudges towards others. When we have time, we are
distracted by the issues of the external world, and we don't pay much attention to the problems of our inner world.

When our body is broken (a reference to LOTR), all the external distractions fade away. What stays with us is our
inner world - all the feelings we carried throughout our life. If we are satisfied without any regrets, we will greet
Death with open arms, like an old friend.

If not, then we will beg for more time to accomplish things we failed to do when we had the possibilities.
Fearing your end or chilling with your old friend - it's all up to you.

We highly recommend you to imagine that Death will come for you in 2 hours - how would you feel, and what would you do
within that amount of time? That way, you will know your true priorities in life.

"Suffering is at the edge of joy
Joy is at the edge of suffering
Lie is at the edge of truth
Truth is at the edge of death"